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Bentham Coffee morning (Bentham Town Hall): Saturday 9th June 10-12noon

In aid of the hosting weekend and Red Cross services to asylum seekers in Bradford.

Let us know if you can help out on the day (set-up from 9am) and/or provide donations for the cake and plant stall, tombola and raffle.

Refugee Week activities: 16th-23rd June


‘There but for fortune…’: 20th June 7.30pm at Methodist Church High Bentham.  A talk by Maggie Bruno about her work with asylum seekers at Bradford’s Red Cross. ‘Vivid and informative’.

Hosting Weekend: over 29th/30th June and 1st July

We will be hosting a number of individuals and families over the weekend and have a number of events lined up. If you would like to get involved with the events please let us know.

Clapham Street Fair: 28th July 10am onwards

The Group will be running a wine bottle tombola to raise funds. If you have full or empty wine bottles to offer or can spare an hour or two to help out please contact Maggie through the ‘Contacts’ page. All donations received will be allocated to Red Cross services in Bradford.

Talks: we are also able to give talks. Recent talks have been given to – local WIs, Amnesty Group, Settle Justice and Peace Group. Please contact us if you would like us to come to give your group a talk.


An Open House fund-raising event took place on Saturday 14th April 7-10pm at the Methodist Chapel. Station Rd. High Bentham

‘Exiles, journeys and homes’.

The evening brought together local performers for an evening of music, words and song.

Along with the evening’s entertainment came conversation, tea, coffee and cake.

We raised £850 which went to ‘Help Refugees’ projects in Greece, Italy and the Middle East.

For further information about ‘Help Refugees’, please go to their website: